When the emphasis of man became on the physical fleshly side of him, he no longer was one with God, who is a Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. It supposed, and went forth to every creature on the ground of the total ruin of Jew and Gentile. "If you keep the whole law yet offended in one point, you're guilty of all. My very nature is dealt with. "Wherefore then serveth the law? May the truth of God sink into our hearts! And at the end of each day, I can paste my gold stars on those that I've kept. There is nothing that requires more the power of grace; for even the truth itself, if severed from grace, ceases to be the truth. THE PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP ( Galatians 5:1-12 ). . Nor this only. Paul says, "If you go on in this way, of which circumcision is the beginning, you might as well end up by castrating yourselves like these heathen priests." Self-control; the word is egkrateia ( G1466) which Plato uses of self-mastery. And the mind of the flesh is alienated from God; it cannot know God. But spite of, or rather because of, their use of law, they were self-important, without holy power, and judged instead of loving each other. If I am a Christian, I am responsible according to that position and privilege. The message of redemption through the cross was offensive. Do I seek to please men? It is the widest word for goodness; it is defined as "virtue equipped at every point." They were better off spiritually than some other congregations to which he wrote, or possibly he did not want to deal with other needs of theirs in this letter. And you find that these people espousing them are plagiarizing from other people who have espoused them, and it goes back and back and back. Heathenism! He went simply to make the acquaintance of Peter, and abode with him how long? Our Christianity obliges us not only to die unto sin, but to live unto righteousness; not only to oppose the works of the flesh, but to bring forth the fruits of the Spirit too. . Thus all things fall into their place, and the Spirit connects us in heart with that which God is doing and will do for the glory of Christ. Thus the law pulls down what is evil, and the promise gives what is good and builds it up. It describes the deliberate effort--which we can make only with the help of God--never to seek anything but the best even for those who seek the worst for us. Another thing, too, let me just point out in passing. He had been himself (could they deny it?) The language would not have been applicable when the other apostles were called. No one's ever seen this before but oh, bless God, He's revealed it to us in these days. ", But, he adds, faith is come (that is, the testimony to be believed by man now, or the gospel). After all their vapouring about the law, they were biting and devouring one another. It's sort of comforting, you know. No doubt there was a difference of tone. Am I going to yield to my flesh, or am I going to yield to the Spirit? Here one may be very brief: "The heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; but is under tutors and governors, until the time appointed of the father. All right, you know. Now the Galatians were unwittingly in danger of giving up the truth. And they want to get on our case because we don't run down every night and baptize people the moment they're saved. It is past dispute that the things he here speaks of are the works of the flesh, or the product of corrupt and depraved nature; most of them are condemned by the light of nature itself, and all of them by the light of scripture. And Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind and with all thy strength; and thy neighbor as thyself. As we lived to fulfill the desires of our flesh and of our mind, and we were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. Meanwhile another and a better sort of blessing is given, as a better Seed also is given the true Heir of all the promises of God, even Christ the Lord. Plutarch says that it has a far wider place than justice. the Christian dooms himself to such hard labour instead of resting in the faith of Christ, whom has he to blame? The Lord did stamp the testimony of Peter as being truly the revelation of His Father. It was used of the serenity which a country enjoyed under the just and beneficent government of a good emperor; and it was used of the good order of a town or village. What had been revealed? Thus, the idea is, in their contentions they would destroy the spirituality and happiness of each other; their characters would be ruined; and the church be overthrown. Try and stay right on course. In my attitude towards life. Nay; he communicated unto them the gospel which he preached among the Gentiles. Staff Login Such was the will of God the Father that had raised Christ from the dead. In grace, God in the person of His Son speaks and accomplishes ALL; and thus He is glorified from first to last. It needs to be boistered by Gods spirit. Paul went on to argue that if you accepted circumcision, that is to say, if you accepted one part of the law, logically you had to accept the whole law. Christ on high had called him. The Greeks drank more wine than they did milk; even children drank wine. But this was not all. Some would have received the inheritance because of promise, and others on the ground of law. I need money to get home. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith," not by becoming proselytes of the gate, or entering on a legal basis, but "foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed." having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? A komos was a band of friends who accompanied a victor of the games after his victory. And so in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to die for man's sin, in order that through Him man might be born again by the Spirit of God. it had a resurrection-source, instead of being from Christ on earth, and in relation to the work God was doing when He sent His Son here below. If we are living in the Spirit let us also keep step with the Spirit. Though we ought to stand fast in our Christian liberty, yet we should not insist upon it to the breach of Christian charity; we should not use it as an occasion of strife and contention with our fellow Christians, who may be differently minded from us, but should always maintain such a temper towards each other as may dispose us by love to serve one another. He is baptized into Christ's death, which is the sole means of deliverance out of his state of sin. WebThe sad and dangerous tendency of a contrary behaviour (Galatians 5:15; Galatians 5:15): But, says he, if instead of serving one another in love, and therein fulfilling the law of God, you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another. If Christ's, they were Abraham's seed already, "and heirs according to the promise;" for Christ, he had shown before, was the one true Seed; and if we are Christ's, we belong to that one true Seed, and therefore are the children of Abraham without circumcision at all. Here particularly the Christian is guarded against the inroads of legalism. He said, "You've got to be born again." He was given, whether in power or in person, not by the law, but by the hearing of faith. And a little leaven soon leavens the whole lump. To depart from this was fatal. No effort, no work on your part. Take heed that ye be not consumed - As wild beasts contend sometimes until both are slain. My responsibility is defined by the place in which I am found. Men were not his source, nor was man even a medium to him. Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like ( Galatians 5:21 ): So, the such like covers a lot of things. The evil that was gaining ground among the Galatian believers legalism links the soul with the world, and indeed proves it to be evil by giving present credit to the flesh, and association with all the system that is around us now. galatians sin hell mean does go if ll usa From the nature of the subject, as well as from the language employed, we may conjecture that the Galatians had disputes among themselves; for they differed about doctrine. There is no recounting what God had done for them. Even if people put themselves under the law, rebellious human nature produces only those evils that the law forbids and that exclude people from Gods kingdom (19-21).If, on the other hand, Christians allow Gods Spirit to control them, their lives become full of the most pleasing virtues - the opposite of those things that the law forbids (22-23). and devour one another -- As wild beasts do. New Living Translation But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Fifteen days. And in these are all the law and the prophets" ( Matthew 22:37-40 ). The Spirit of God can employ it to make a man feel that all is over with him; but He goes farther in grace, and by that very law brings the man in dead to the law, and not merely condemned. And how true all this is! But it is not so. The Galatians did not think of this; people that are thus blinded by the enemy never do. Basil called it "grief at your neighbours good fortune." The first letters of these four words--P-R-D-S--are the consonants of the word Paradise--and when a man had succeeded in penetrating into these four different meanings he reached the joy of paradise! Thank You, Jesus, for Your forgiveness and for Your love and for Your grace to me.". to bite, N.T.o. WebGalatians 5:15. The long lapse of time ought to have guarded men from mixing up the law with the promise, and thus from the appearance of annulling the promise by the law, for this would be most dishonouring to God. This is peculiar to our epistle. They had been lately brought by the grace of God into Christianity, where they found Jewish brethren, now made one, as it is said, in Christ. Forgive me, Lord. Christ is forgotten. The cross paid it all. "Devour" describes hurtful actions that linger on and on as far as time is concerned. But before He sent the promised Seed, man's self-confidence needed the discipline of the intermediate thing, the law; and after infinite long-suffering on God's part, the people who undertook to obey it had to be swept out of the land for their disobedience. If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God ( Galatians 5:21 ). And now in Christ He has accomplished it I mean already. He is afresh making efforts to improve, yet still in bondage and misery. "Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; though it be but a man's covenant, yet, if it be confirmed, no man annulleth or addeth thereto." 5:13-15 As for you, brothers, it was for freedom that you were called, only you must not use this freedom as a bridgehead through which the worst side of human nature can invade you, but in love you must serve one another; for the whole law stands complete in one word, in the sentence, "You must love your neighbour as yourself." Only they would that we should remember the poor; the same which I also was forward to do." What does matter is faith which works through love. Paul cautioned both sides to love one another or they would consume each other. It doesn't really matter, I'm going to walk after the Spirit and I'm going to please God in this. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh ( Galatians 5:24 ). I say something that is not of the Lord. That's just my old flesh that's upset. What comforts the soul, what strengthens and keeps it up, is that He "loved me, and gave Himself for me.". If therefore we would have it appear that we are Christ's, and that we are partakers of his Spirit, it must be by our walking not after the flesh, but after the spirit. But in truth the Lord "gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: to whom be glory for ever and ever. "Now, a lot of times when people come to me with some weird concept, I'll say, "Where in the world did you get that idea?" Paul was confident the Galatians would resist the one leading them in the wrong direction. You never come to believe in what the Mormons believe through reading the Bible. "Desirous of vainglory,". That is, walk in fellowship with God. And then they started to rail on me and prophesy my death and things of this nature. And this life is sustained by the very same person who is its source. Paul reminded Christians: 5:1-12 Look now it is I, Paul, who am speaking to you I tell you that if you get yourself circumcised Christ is no good to you. The Galatian Christians should have been the most peaceful people in the province. No, this persuasion doesn't come from Him who called you. Fornication; it has been said, and said truly, that the one completely new virtue Christianity brought into the world was chastity. Here I've got this new twist on the scripture. In Paul's case there was nothing of the sort. Such is the only possible way in which blessing can be brought in, in order that such souls as we are should be blessed and maintained in it. Was this then a reproach? But as for the apostle Paul, he says he was called, and this by his master from heaven; but by his own showing nobody heard the call of Christ but himself. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith" (not those that cry up the law) "are the children of Abraham. This then is what the law brought in. p. 86; Jacobs, ad Anthol. This is all that people's zeal and labour come to. The apostle's discerning eye at once judged by Christ and by that gospel which he had learned from Him. That you're not going to be otherwise minded.". I have known a divine who had a character for intelligence use these words as a motto and sanction. Whoever despises the facts of Christianity, as if nothing in Scripture were worthy of meditation, or of ministering to others but exercises and speculative deductions, will be found, if he do not find himself often, on the verge of dangerous delusions, both for the mind and for the walk. Impurity; the word that Paul uses (akatharsia, G167 is interesting. That's the old nature that wants its way, that wants to insist on its own way and all. 1. God promises the final power and glory of Israel in the earth, putting down their foes, and so forth. Now notice, works of the flesh, works plural. If a person is living by right principles, he doesn't need any laws. What! He is governed by principles by which he lives. All therefore becomes a matter of the pure grace of God; and He is pleased to bless the Gentiles in the Seed, even Christ dead and risen. "But there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ." And how the Holy Spirit had come upon those of the house of Cornelius who had known nothing really of obedience to the law. and how do they affect each other? They're contrary, and I do not always walk after the Spirit. The promise has another and most blessed place. On the other hand, the spirit (the renewed part of us) strives against the flesh, and opposes the will and desire of it: and hence it comes to pass that we cannot do the things that we would. They were only, as they supposed, beginning to cherish a becoming attitude toward the religion of the fathers, and of all who had before Christ honoured God on earth. Dissension describes a society in which the very opposite is the case, where the members fly apart instead of coming together. Merge them, as unbelief does, and all is confusion and ruin. The gospel had brought in before God this double conclusion, founded on the first Adam and the last. They don't come to man from God.And the Jehovah Witnesses, just the Arian heresy of the early church. You're talking nonsense. I'm still His child. The flesh will not be ruling over you anymore. A group known as the Judaizers were pressuring the Galatians to submit to physical circumcision in order to be acceptable to God. Consume each other forgiveness and for Your forgiveness and for Your love and for grace... And thus he is baptized into Christ 's death, which is the widest word for goodness it... Character for intelligence use these words as a motto and sanction this ; people that Christ. Hurtful actions that linger on and on as far as time is concerned should have been most. 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