They can also do very well in the areas with relatively sparse pasture. WebThe Chianina (pronounced kee-a-nee-na) may well be one of the oldest breeds of cattle in existence. Not all are equally good natured, nor do all adapt equally easily to hot or cold climates. Sale date: January 7, 2023 11 am Oklahoma City, OK, in conjunction with the Cattlemens Congress. A must for every self-respecting restaurant.. These subjective criteria are influenced by health considerations, and in turn influence the grading system of the time and the relative economic values of different types of beef in a specific country. In Italy, pure-bred Chianina cattle are found in the districts of Siena, Arezzo, Leghorn, Pisa, Florence and Perugia. = '0'; We own and manage 70 registered Chimaine and Chiangus cattle. The semen of Priamo, and that of his son Roma out of the Italian champion cow Mina, is used very successfully in Christiaan de Jagers Chianina herd. The shoulders, back and hindquarters are well muscled. Their coat is usually white with very slight grey shading around the eyes and on the foreparts is tolerated. The Chianina has few genetic or phenotypic faults. Their skin, hooves, switch, muzzle, natural openings and tips of the horns are black. CHIANINA BEEF BURGERS $9.00 LB. Lastly our third goal is to produce cows and bulls that produce good feeder cattle that can grow on their own in the pasture without creep feeding and grade well at the stockyards. 2023 by Timberland . They provide an outstanding growth rate in offspring and have been used to create breeds such as Chiangus, (Chianina and Angus) Chiford, (Chianina and Hereford) and Chimaine (Chianina and Maine Anjou). Apply now for the Land Banks Blended Finance Scheme! Lastly our third goal is to produce cows and bulls that produce good feeder cattle that can grow on their own in the pasture without creep feeding and grade well at the stockyards. The breeders began to favor selection of animals more suited to meat production form 1931. Register with SellMyLivestock to see breeders and farmers with Chianina Cattle to sell. A Chianina x Angus/Holstein calf sired by Diaceto I was born in California on 31 January 1972. WebChampagne Farm Home of the 2nd largest Chianina cattle farm in the United States Champagne Farm Sharpsburg, KY We would like to welcome everyone and thank you for taking the time to view our Full blood Chianina Cattle and our Chianina cross cattle. var adElemSticky = document.getElementById('vi-sticky-ad'); Australia too, formed the nucleus of its Chianina herd by importing Chianina semen from Canada. Cross-breeding with Brown Swiss cattle gave rise to the Pisana. WebBest tempered and most beautiful babies! Both sexes have black pigmented skin, including a black tongue, palate, nose, eye area and switch. Compared to their large body size, udders of the cows are small and they are not noted for milk production. Your email address will not be published. The famous bistecca alla fiorentina is produced from the meat of Chianina cattle. The short, smooth coat gives it better disease and insect tolerance than many other breeds, an advantage in tropical countries. The first was the Chiangus, a Chianina/Angus cross, a prime example of breed complementarity in which the polled black offspring benefit from the outstanding qualities of both parent breeds. They do very well crossed on other breeds of cattle. They are still used in processions such as the corteo storico of the Palio di Siena. Our listings include beef cows, calves, dairy cattle & breeding cattle from farmers across the UK. The skeleton, resembling that of an eland, is light and strong. Much more secure from virus, malware, and browser hijacking attacks. = ''; Chianina bulls promote uniformity among their crosses a desirable trait for feedlots and cattlemen seeking terminal sires. = '21'; Carcass yields are around 65%. Red Swiss was used to give maternal qualities to milkless cows imported from Scotland. The flavor of these sensational Gourmet Chianina Burgers topped off with Hickmans Family Farms Cage Free eggs are a sure taste your customers wont forget. For the first 120 days after calving, cows give about 12/day, higher producers can milk up to 20/day. Types. The Chianina has been used in several successful composite breeding programmes in the US. The Chianina has been used in several successful composite breeding programmes in the US. Species. adElemSticky.innerHTML = ''; In commercial beef cross-breeding systems, Chianinas can contribute growth rate, muscularity, high quality lean beef and heat tolerance to progeny performance., Weekly Current & Projected Feedyard Closeouts, USDA January 2023 Cattle Inventory Report, Stocker, Feeder, & Slaughter Steer Price Comparison, Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings, Cattle & Corn Bullish/Bearish Consensus Charts, "Shootin' The Bull" Commodity Market Comments, Cattle/Ranching Photos from the 'Good Old Days', Questions & Info about submitting a Listing, Links to Cattle Producers Websites & Facebook Pages, 9 Reg. Diacetos calves were just plain unbelievable: from a 450kg Angus cow, calving was far easier than expected because of the long, light build and the vitality of the newborn calf. Pure-bred or cross-bred, the economic merit of the Chianina is evident. These lean and high quality gourmet hamburgers with an amazing tender texture are a TASTE FOR SUCCESS!. 2018 All Rights Reserved. Your access to this service has been limited. Simply use this link The Chianina offers the beef industry enormous potential and flexibility for maximum red meat yield. We currently have no full grown Bulls or Cows for sale. 866-9CATTLE; Cattleman's Login; List Your Farm Or Ranch Today Chianina Farm & Ranch Results - Huntsville. Chianina bulls have been successfully used in crossbreeding. Both sexes have black pigmented skin, including a black tongue, palate, nose, eye area and switch. Breeding was geared towards large, strong animals. For questions, contact Dustin at Sexes. Find Near Postcode Login to search location Wanted 0. The average daily gain (ADG) of high performance animals can exceed 2kg. Chianina genetics reduce surplus fat in the calves, and decrease the incidence of genetic problems in the cross-bred offspring. Western Cape takes lead in cannabis industry development. = rect.height + 'px'; Chianina are hardy and well adapted to warmer climates and their tough skin provides excellent resistance to parasites. We have Bulls, Calves, Cows, Heifers, Steers, Vealers, Weaner Heifers, Weaner Steers, Yearling Heifers, Yearling Steers, Yearling steers and more. It has been raised in the Italian regions of Tuscany for long time, and in Umbria and Lazio for at least 2200 years. Before the mechanization in agriculture and the collapse of the mezzadria system, the Chianina oxen were the principal source of agriculture power in their native area. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. You seen the size of the Chianina? WebSearch our Huntsville Chianina database and connect with the best Chianina Professional and other Cattle For Sale & Marketing Professional in Huntsville. The genetic legacy of two millennia has expressed itself in cattle with heavy muscling, long legs, hard hooves, good movement, endurance and a calm disposition. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. The breed also occurs, pure-bred and cross-bred, in other parts of Italy, in other European countries, in Ireland, Canada, the US, Australia and now in Southern Africa. The Chianina in cross-breeding WebFor Sale: Full Blood Chianina Bull Calves | WANDANA WATERS. However, many of them do most of these things really well. A historical perspective Chianina have short hair which varies in colour from white to steel grey. A Group of Texas Cattleman and National Business Professionals Producing, Marketing and Selling Chianina Beef and Chianina Cross Bred Beef, Products Include Short Loins, Ribeyes, Briskets, Sirloins, Rounds and Chianina Beef Burger, Master Broker for the 5 C Cattle Group Protein Brokers, LLC the Women Owned and Managed Company Headquartered in Colorado, Special Marketing Programs Free Hickmans Family Farms Cage Free Eggs or Hickmans Grass Fed Cage Free Eggs With Every Chianina Beef Burger Program. Young animals gain weight at a rate of around 2 kilos a day. Wouldn't suit my tin and string setup. Beef Shorthorn: a breed made for crossbreeding! Chianina gourmet Burgers. This practice, an early form of selective breeding, left the Chianina with great genetic stability and uniformity. The Italian bull Priamo weighed a staggering 725,8kg at a year old. WebChianina is one of the largest breeds of cattle in the world. Although they were quite popular as a draught animal in the past, but today the breed is used primarily for meat production. For the first 120 days after calving, cows give about 12/day, higher producers can milk up to 20/day. Yes loads of people are using descendants of them. One of Christiaans Chianina x Simmentaler bulls achieved an ADG of 2,43kg and an astounding feed conversion ratio of 3,88 in a Phase C test at the ARC Irene Bull Testing Station in 2008. His steaks are perfectly matured, tender and flavourful: such an excellent product. Chianina cattle: The gentle white Italian giant, A top Afrisim stud built with award-winning cows, Santa Gertrudis bulls: tested for two decades, The challenges facing Namibias cattle producers, Nguni x Brahman: an exceptional, feedlot-friendly cross. Despite its birth weight of about 50kg, the small head and slender shoulders of the Chianina calf makes for easy calving. Full access to all modern websites (including AgTrader) Using Chianina sires on cows of the Afrikaner, Brahman, Drakensberger, Tuli, Boran or other hardy tropical and veld-adapted breeds should produce superior weaners and steers for rounding off on grass. Chianina cattle feature in ancient Roman art sculptures and the breed is also mentioned in poetry dating back to around 50 A.D. Bulls are often a darker grey around their front ends. Their horns are short, curved forward and are usually black in color in the younger animals but become lighter gradually. The breed is also noted for their easy calving. }; You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. WebSearch our Chianina database and connect with the best Chianina Professional and other Cattle For Sale & Marketing Professional. Gourmet products your consumers are sure to enjoy! No less important than its size, the steak you buy should be properly dry aged. Our 3 goals at our farm are simple for our 'Fullblood Chianina Cattle' and our Chianina cross cattle. Both bulls and cows are horned and have black pigmented skin, points and mucosa. WebBrangus Braunvieh Charolais Chianina Corriente Crossbred Dexter Fleckvieh Gelbvieh Hereford Holstein Irish Black/Red Limousin Longhorn Lowline Angus Piedmontese Red Angus Red Brangus Romagnola Salers Santa Gertrudis Senepol Shorthorn SimAngus Simbrah Simmental Tigerstripe Wagyu Hide Other Breeds Africander Amerifax American if (width <= 900) { We have considerable interest in our cattle, so please send us an email if you'd like to be contacted when we have your preference available. These include Aberdeen Angus, Aubrac and Limousin. If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send". And average live body weight of the mature cows vary from 800 to 1000 kg. } Yes, Its Safe & Best 15 Tips, Can Dogs Eat Avocado? Register with SellMyLivestock to see breeders and farmers with Cattle to sell. Hereford 1. Only my humble opinion. Chianina cattle originate from central Italy, their name comes from the Chiana Valley in Tuscany. Thanks We occasionally have a selection of Chianina crossbred calves available once weaned. The Chianina cattle are a dual purpose breed. Agtrader is only available to modern browsers.,, Which Countries Are Not In The Paris Climate Agreement, What Is The Difference Between Horizontal And Vertical Agreements, Smoothie King Terms Of Franchise Agreement. Josh Cribbs 813.967.6949 Since then, Chiangus steers have won many Hoof and Hook events. Dairy 3. Chianina cattle for sale and other breeds It is an efficient forager that moves easily over a variety of terrains. CHIANINA LOINS, RIBEYES, TENDERLOINS $45.00 LB. The Chianina cattle are known to have docile temperament and they are relatively easy to handle. 2023 by Timberland . WebChianina are hardy and well adapted to warmer climates and their tough skin provides excellent resistance to parasites. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. The Meuse Rhine Issel originates from the Netherlands and Germany. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I've heard it said that the Chianina along with the Holstein were used to breed the AA into the monsters that they are today. Online Platform: LiveAuctions. The bull Donetto, from Tenuta della Fratta near Siena, set a world bovine record at the 1955 Arezzo Show with a weight of 1 750kg and a withers height of 185cm. Correction SH was one of the founding breeds in a BB. A similar trend showed in Australia. Online Consignment Form The breed is also known by some other names such as Chianina della Valdichiana, Chianina del Valdarno, Calvana and Perugina. Within their gene pools, all breeds have individuals that score higher than their contemporaries in various traits and environments. WebBelow youll find a range of Belgium Blue cattle for sale throughout the UK, including cr. Feeder Cattle. Thanks Chris Chuckie Well-known member Joined Sep 13, 2004 Messages 4,142 Our second goal is to produce the best possible herd bulls for others to use that are easy calving and are easy to handle. All Rights Reserved. Cattle 7. And average height of the mature cows is up to 155 to 165 cm. = rect.width + 'px'; This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The cows are not good for milk production, but they produce enough milk for their calf. Angus, Chianina & Simmental Bulls North TX, Links to Cattle Producers' Websites & Facebook Pages, As machines began to replace draught animals, breeding goals shifted for improved beef production and secondary selection criteria such as length of body, milk yield and growth rate were introduced. We would like to welcome everyone and thank you for taking the time to view our Full blood Chianina Cattle and our Chianina cross cattle. var _footer = document.querySelector("#colophon"); Chianina have short hair which varies in colour from white to steel grey. Not all Chianina-derived cattle have outstanding carcass genetics, extra-long life spans, easy calving or superior health and vigour. Read more information about the breed below. It is the largest and one of the oldest cattle breeds in the world. Hooves, switch, muzzle, natural openings and tips of the oldest cattle breeds the... 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