Matriarchs consider nature as something living and organic. The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women. It sounds like you just have an image in your head of what a woman should be like and that's what you compare your picture of men with. In other words more education period - not re-education or reprogramming or indoctrination. It is too bad that like pedophiles these monsters are freed to walk among us! " Better reaction to plug interest. Advantages And Disadvantages Of MRI: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. What do you want to do exactly? Aggression is just the willingness to take action and competitiveness is what drives the standard up. But this shouldn't be a problem because the only way a matrairchal government can get into power is through demcratic means. They can get away with it because science is still controlled by male chauvinists. But the male feminist in many cases(who is usually some hegemonically masculine man who can't understand why men would want to be "feminine") fails to see through his hegenomic myopia the suffering that his fellow men who don't benefit from patriarchy go through, living in a society where masculinity is basically a tightrope that feminine men are forced to walk on, in exchange for the illusion of "power". Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something. Given that cultures have undergone a kind of social evolution since the beginning of civilization, the absence of any matriarchy could be taken as evidence that matriarchal societies are less prosperous. I personally think that the way to counter patriarchal propaganda is not for women to deny their maternal instincts and try and pretend they are like men. Again, this is the same for either gender. "I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. But the same mentality still there, men do not fight for power with swords but with words. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. Besides, women already do the biggest part in shaping men. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man. Mind you to be fair, science does have a history of male scientists doing the same thing to each other. Point is, not that your negative critcism is something we are ignoring nor aren't thinking about, its simply that this is a space for like minded people; we know perfectly well how the MRA movement views feminism and women in general, we poltiely do not agree with it and damn sure never will; however what will all this fighting and arguing bring us? you must answer to this video..Mr.Wabond..still u are saying women are not cruel????? Absolutely nothing, and how come you claim to not be interested in speaking with others who do not agree with you when by reading Wabond's article above this should have been obvious and you should have avoided this in advance? Take my life for example, I am a woman who seeks to make a major difference in the world someday in a rather revolutionary way, I am a multi-racial, multi-ethnic woman of color, who is a lesbian, and a transvestite, I am the proud daughter of a strong Matriarchal women, and belong to none of the patrarchal Abrahamic religions, I freely believe in a higher power that I identify as "The Great Cosmic Mother," and for most of my life I've been treated as a social outcast; absolutely nothing has come easy for me; my very existence as something that every single society on face of this earth hates (and would if they had the power brutally kill) has been paved through hardship! The advantages of patriarchy are that it assigns leadership. Usually, the prices of an oligopoly market are often higher than the . Matrifocality and Women's Power: The Peril of Fixed Opinions "Obviously, you would give your life for your children, or give them the last biscuit on the plate. Moreover, most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. With DBMS, data can be exchanged between users more effectively, and access to the data can be restricted so that only authorized users are permitted to view it, as opposed to earlier systems when everyone with access to the system could access the data. Five thousand years of history have shown that patriarchy is totally incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. The system usually rewards women for this behavior. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. A matriarchal government will not have the same interest in competition for wealth and power as their main focus of attention will be on the children of the countries they rule. He claims this means that men will always outnumber women in most positions of power in our world. Some of it is indeed attributable to men's agency. It can't be done. "I personally do not deem all men are violent. advantages and disadvantages but may improve a group of animals. The only reason why matriarchy is possible now, is that we now have democractic goverments.". You made broad generalizations casting all men, not some, not even most, but ALL of them in collective shame and guilt. It seems that even more enlighten male leaders like President Obama will still go to war, like we see in Libya. The whole of history shows us so clearly that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world.. I not only blame men I blame all of humanity and am pretty damn ashamed to walk this earth as a human being, at least if I was an animal I could leave this earth with a natural respect and dignity in spirit from my Grandmother the Earth, but as a human being I am forced to prove myself worthy of it, which is what I will dedicate my life in doing! The following are important characteristics of a matriarch: independent autonomous. Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. But it is still mostly black men who are the leaders of the black community. Men have shown themselves to be total irresponsible rulers of our world, and wont even take responsibility for what they do. They might be caring as well but that is coincidental. Teaching boys to hate their own sex is a sure way to make things worse, not better. We've been through that and I've explained my position before. If we want to change this, and we seriously want to live in a more caring and compassionate world. It would also depend on somehow mitigating the social problems that arise when matriarchy extends to the base unit of society--the 2-32 times greater risk fatherless children have of a whole host of social maladies that lead them to be burdens on, rather than productive members of, society. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. Or they can vote for a Matriarchal party and allow caring and nurturing women to rule instead. William Bond (author) from England on August 12, 2011: There are men out there murdering defenceless protestors on the streets Syria. Yes, it is strange, whenever I talk about matriarchy, in my experience, I have found that some of strongest and most vocal supporters of patriarchy are women. Even today the scientific establishment is still controlled by men. The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. You insist this is true,". But to me, the trick in life is to take that sense of generosity between kin, make it apply to the extended family and to your neighbor, your village, and beyond." -Tom Stoppard The police come and remove the man from his home and family. On the most basic level we can start comparing how many organs we have in common with how many organs we don't have in common. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top. Which is what happens when men rule our world. One may continue over and over again to argue that given our male supremacist society that most all know and love so well, that it would be exactly like that, but I naturally beg to differ, because until we are living in such a society there is no certainty that is nor would be convincing enough to support that perspective, because until such a society comes into existance where we can actually measure and examine in comparison both female supremacist matriarchy and our current patriarchy there can be no certainty of it. They distinguish themselves from the group through their behavior and accomplishments. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? As for acid attacks, the majority of assaults were carried out on women. It is short sighted and reactionary at best. I would imagine women leaders trying to be fair and try to give men equality and even leadership roles. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. It can only be done through democractic means. As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. I would say that women most often become violent when they have been brutalized, because the extreme trauma suffered completely ruins a human being without assistance; yet there have been women who have been raped and severely brutalized that have chosen to do the right thing, but what then is the right thing? If you're not prepared to thank maleness on the whole for saving your life when that catscan detected an aneurysm, then you shouldn't be vilifying maleness on the whole for the vagaries of war. If that is true, then your decision to promote a matriarchy should be discarded because you're a man and men are not suited to make such powerful political decisions. Disadvantage: Endless Red Tape. In a world filled with deception I've known it to be the best approach. The whole written history of the human race has been a story of conflict, warfare, genocide, slavery, injustice and poverty, and we dont find much difference today in our TV news. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world. The researcher collects data at the time were needed. Women do have better communication and social skills than men, which is another reason why they should be ruling our world. That they have had no effect on the men in their lives, and played no part in maintaining and enforcing gender roles and perpetuating them on the next generation. I would agree that women can be brainwashed into intolerance by patriarchal doctrines. I could go on, I could fill a whole book up with the names of despotic male rulers, murders, serial killers and acts of genocide. The Lineage Matriarchal societies are also often matrilineal in nature. We can more easily manage the data in a DBMS. The oligopoly market will have less competition, but the behavior of the firms can even be highly competitive. Women have never done anything like this. It does not intend to lead a social change. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 08, 2015: I was in a pub in London's Stoke Newington which features a gallery of famous people who've lived there. You cannot dismiss childbirth as being totally unimportant. 3. History shows the existence of a system governed by women, respected by all genders. Have you thought about that? They're more likely than men to practice selective neglect, where they are capable of caring for all their children, but purposely neglect a disfavored child. Apprehension would be a serious handicap in a leadership, and sensitivity connotes a thin skin, which would at best, hinder those who are sensitive from overcoming obstacles on the path to leadership. I've also been a slightly detached and external observer of human behavior. The reason would be to do with our basic instincts. It has expressed in other primates. What they have shown is that they are more risk-averse than men are, and that men are easily manipulated by female gender enforcement to perpetrate violence on behalf of women. Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. These elements should maintain harmony with one another. We are not going to get a Amazon army take over any government by force. It makes me realise just how brainwashed the population has been by patrairchal properganda. One disadvantage is the high cost of childcare. They are, on principle, need-oriented. cross dressing, femininity, wearing dresses, etc) as being invalid and unimportant, simply due to the fact that they (the male feminists) have never had to go through them, and therefore have no idea what it's like to be born into the body of a "feminine" man, which leads them to believe that all men are somehow "overprivileged". Who is more diverse anyway? Many men are very aware that warfare is total insanity, but men cannot help themselves. I worked within the black community for many years. Pretty much all the evidence I've seen points to the fact that women are just as competitive and violent as men--they just use proxies to enact that competition and violence in some spheres of life. Then once we get into a violent situation we end up with psychopaths becoming leaders, because a psychopath is far more able to deal with violence than ordinary men. How do you know they wouldn't be under female rule? yes i do think that over the years men have surppressed any idea like this to protect themselves and there greed. Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? Was it worth Global warming, Global dimming, Fossil fuels, Sea level rise, Greenhouse gas, Ocean acidification, Species extinction, Pollinator decline, Coral bleaching, Holocene extinction, Invasive species, Poaching, Endangered species, Eutrophication, Habitat destruction, Invasive species, Air quality, Asthma, Environmental impact of the coal industry, Electromagnetic fields, Electromagnetic radiation and health, Indoor air quality, Lead poisoning, Sick Building Syndrome, Genetic pollution, Genetically modified food controversies, Burial, Water crisis, Overpopulation in companion animals, Tragedy of the commons, Gender Imbalance in Developing Countries, Sub-replacement fertility levels in developed countries. In such cases, the insured might have to pay for the excluded losses from his own pocket. It can shift between the needs of the various projects under development and the company's functional units. Women can invent things if given the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. The very fact that women are far less ruthless, aggressive and competitive than men, will make them far better rulers of our world. The property comes from the father to their children. Although I am a man, I can appreciated the problems women have in having children. So you added that, well things have gotten so messed up it's time we tried something else. In other words, if you accept that women are better leaders because of their genitalia, then you must also accept that women are less intelligent because it is exactly the same reasoning that you use to support those arguments. But today, through democracy, it is now possible for a political party to gain power without the use of violence, so it would be possible for women to set up a Matriarchal political party or even take over existing political parties, Now, many feminists say that one sex shouldn't rule our world and men and women should share power equally. Just like with warfare (which drove many of those accomplishments by the way), women have achieved less, mostly because they didn't need to and not because they couldn't or wouldn't. Where women can behave like women and not have to act like competitive and ruthless men. We are mammals; it is the female in all species of mammal that care for the young. So are you saying that materiality is perfection? 2. As if men are free to be themselves. Get over yourselves and realize that it takes both parties to make a functioning government and society. A society where the female member leads a family is called matriarchy, and the female head of the family is called the matriarch. Sure you could make a list of differences too but that could never be even remotely as long. In a government of equal numbers of men and women, there is nothing to stop men fiercely competing against the women for power. I totally agree with you wabond! This structure makes it easier to share resources in different divisions. We see this from a very early age when little boys like to play with toy guns, cars and planes, while little girls like to play with dolls and prams. This seems to be an overall trend of socio-historical development, which stems from few very basic aspects of human nature. This does not mean that genitalia are linked to being a warmonger. Major Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Collaboration . As for the rest, I agree that this is starting to go around in circles but that is because you ignored my points and just responded by repeating your initial statements. In fact, it borders on child abuse. Omg, I'm so not a feminist. So it is about time we allow women to rule instead and se. There are about 40,000 of them, according to The Independent, and they practice Tibetan Buddhism. What about average women and average men? There is some conflicting evidence of matriarchal tribes. They engage other individuals to do the dying on their behalf. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. I know that opinions are sometimes wrong. You are advocating a major change in the political system because you believe it will be a huge improvement. Society is comprised of both men and women, patriarchy is the way of nature, biology, and God's Will. Hi Mary Wednesday, I think the reason why you have more black men in prisons, is because most of them live in poverty. And when she shared in the spoils he'd taken, it had nothing to do with her. Advertisement. The first one is the general tendency of parents to bond more closely with children of opposite sex. The governance of a social group, community, and state is patriarchy. William Bond (author) from England on June 27, 2012: So is your position that it is sexism to say, "men do a really terrible job in ruling our world". If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. Perhaps it is the patriarchal censorship that has suppressed ideas like this, but the internet is allowing this ideas to come to light. This may be all right for animals to behave like this but can be a disaster when human males have the same instincts. Black men are the most violent men of all, so should be actively kept away from positions of power and authority. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . It has to live in its pristine form. Besides, women are quite capable of those things too. You simply ignore all that because it doesn't fit your dogma. I don't blame them. There has never been a time, in recorded history, when men were not fighting a war somewhere on our planet. I just think its time that we gave women a chance of ruling to see how it goes. I have to point out that history has been written by men from a male point of view. In the animal world it is very rare to see female animals fight each other unless they are a carnivorous animal. "Again if we look at the animal kingdom, we find every spring animals like stags, bull and rams fighting each other for dominance and access to females. It includes transferring the name, power, and authority towards the son. Go back to school. And how are boys who grow up in this anti-male atmosphere supposed to develop? The only reason people ascribe it to maleness is because they want to illustrated supposed female inferiority or they want excuses not to have to adopt it themselves and want an easy backdoor in through methods like women only parties or affirmative action. What i am trying to point out is that there is an alternitive that no one has tried and that is matrairchy. Just as women would not feel motivated to feed the bloated, multi-billion dollar beauty industry if men had not evolved a preference for youth and beauty, men would not compete with other men for riches if women had not evolved a preference for a partner with the power, social status and the wealth to adequately provide for and protect her. Men do a terrible job in ruling our world. Now, it is over 70% female. Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her, and finally burn her limbs. Yes, that could happen if women allowed it to happen. Quoting from the above study: "In univariate terms, the largest differences between the sexes were found in Sensitivity, Warmth, and Apprehension (higher in females), and Emotional stability, Dominance, Rule-consciousness, and Vigilance (higher in males).". Is this anecdotal evidence, or actual evidence? In the process of helping the children they will within a generation, also help everyone else in the country they rule, When matriarchy is discussed, some people mention Margaret Thatcher and point out they she wasnt a very caring leader, so it seems all women are judged by her actions, but we wish to explain that a female leader of a patriarchal political party, is not a Matriarchal government. This is a personality trait issue that is encouraged by some and dispised by others. The difference has started to become somewhat political. This gives rise to the question why. Yes, there are a number of female inventors and scientists, but they never get the credit they deserve in our patriarchal world. Thats called a puppet government usually set up by conquerors. The technology that any intelligent life chooses to create is a reflection of the way they perceive the world, so if man believe's that he must conquor and subdue nature in order to meet his needs of self-interest, he is going to create technology that does exactly that. What about the Native peoples of the Amazon Rainforest who know a great deal more about the rainforest then you or I ever could? If you want your procurement process to be as efficient as possible, it's best to invest in a P2P solution that provides integration with an ERP system. William Bond (author) from England on July 03, 2012: Hi Lucy, yes, clearly I must be dogmatic, because I don't share your beliefs. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. Now, whatever may be said about dominance, good or bad, there seem to be certain personality traits that lend themselves to leadership, and certain ones that don't. Men in power have been involved in these wars. At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. I believe these differences are the result of the different challenges, risks, costs and benefits men and women had to overcome in order to pass on genes. In other words, it may very well be that it was female leadership, not some cultural lack of male aggression, that led to the extinction of those matriarchal societies. Do they never receive any recognition nor a Nobel Prize? Where have I said that? If you know about different cultures, you would be aware of the varying social systems. Your racist tones are pretty damn offensive, must be Western pride and arrogance for being in possession of technology that is currently responsible for destroying the planet and everything we depend on for survival. So, these elements can fulfill ones needs. But men do not have the option of aborting a child they don't want--their only option is to try to walk away.). Yes, you can always find individual women who are not very materialistic but you have to see the big picture. In other words, all the resources provided by nature are for exploitation. The Mosuo women are China's last surviving matriarchy. "You say that warfare comes from competing cultures and I agree with this, but who are the people competing with each other? They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. A patriarchal society may be capable of doing this for men, but it leaves out a large majority of the population that are more than capable of that very same thing. William Bond (author) from England on July 09, 2012: It is strange Aincas, but most of the opposition for what i say about matriarchy comes from feminists. You go on and on about maternal instinct, but mothers are the number one demographic of child abusers--both in numbers and in rates. As we will always be ruled by aggressive, ruthless and violent men. And further, a significant body of evidence in evolutionary theory ties the psychology of women's violence and competition TO their maternal instinct. GracieLake from Arizona on June 23, 2011: This is an interesting opinion, and one that has been bandied about by feminists, certainly. I don't see how we can get pass this. I think the problem is this feminist dogma that says men and women are the same. Which would be all right, if men done a half decent job in doing this. Please don't stone me - the poor human - for translating what my alien-from-outer-space friend said to me. Just education but more of it and most importantly, available to more people. As for hating their own sex, men already do this. That's not what we were talking about. This is exactly the same thing as racism or antisemitism or any other hate filled bigotry. Materialism gives you the opportunity to always have the latest things. If not, here's another suggestion. So this is why we need to have Matriarchal political parties of only women, so they do not have to compete within their party with very competitive men and together can create a powerful sisterhood. Therefore all men are peaceful. On the other hand, patriarchy is a strong advocate of materialism. What percentage? Matriarchy is essentially a woman-oriented society, wherein all the leadership and authority rest in the hands of women. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world.. Native women and all women of color continued to face a disproportionate number of obstacles, but the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller provides us with a good . As for saying i should exclude myself. That they have had no effect on the men in their lives, and played no part in maintaining and enforcing gender roles and perpetuating them on the next generation. It is important to know more about these two concepts. The problem is that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world and it should be obvious to everyone, that they are totally incapable of doing this. I find it incredible that you question the statement, "war is total insanity". Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! And the problem with sexism is, that it creates a foundation upon which you can make any gender discriminating case you want. Wars were nearly always the result of competing cultures. Instead women need to embrace their maternal instincts and point out that because of their nurturing instinct they would make far better rulers of our world, than ruthless and violent men. In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. Daughters inherit the property of the mother. Can improve confidence levels of minorities. Please, consider the burden you are placing on women--the burden of infallibility, the burden of perfection, the burden of being goddesses. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. Can't you see the total insanity of governments spending trillions of dollars inventing and manufacturing weapons in which to kill people? You are not prepared to argue on the main points and try to divert the argument onto side issues of little importance. Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. ". You made the point about Hitler and the Nazis. It is dustproof and waterproof and can be recycled. When there are no alternatives and when the very concept of masculinity and femininity as they are called, are not questioned what then can you expect? Be all right for animals to behave like women and not have to point out is as! Known it to be macho men to be fair, science does have history. There are a carnivorous animal boys who grow up in this anti-male atmosphere supposed to develop power is through means! Too bad that like pedophiles these monsters are freed to walk among us! to come to light them collective. Advocate of materialism system governed by women, there is nothing to stop men competing. 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